08 July 2012

A very bumpy ride

My life has always been a very bumpy ride filled with pot holes , trees in the road and add a few folks who I should know better than to trust-just standing there looking at me and daring me to continue my path.  I've always been a believer in you reap what you sew , some people call that karma I call it BIBLE.   I've always been a tell it how it is kinda girl.  I've learned tact over the years but I still open my  mouth sometimes when it should remained closed .  I say exactly what is on my mind when it's on my mind.  I hate that about me that I'm so open most people can look you dead in the eye and tell you a complete fabrication I'm not sure which even in my life led me to the point where even if I don't want to say it or even if I wish I was telling you something else your getting the "real story" every single time.  When I refuse to talk it's because I am trying to spare you and myself from the hurt that will go with my being to forward. I said all that to say this : telling the truth is much easier than making some bull crap up that no one would believe anyways.  Life (real life is a bumpy road) but along that bumpy road is wild flowers, hawks sitting in trees, big old oaks that have been around long before and will be long after, streams and rivers that bend and turn. Fun afternoons with friends of a lifetime, memories of fishing trips that turned into an all day affair, Nascar and seeing that first race for the first time, picking out a Christmas tree, running to wal-mart in the middle of the night just because you and your nephew needed some cupcakes.  Sitting watching all 8 Harry Potter movies because your teenager wants to. Being on the back of a motorcycle with your big brother because it's fun, having that first wonderful date that ended up with a drive in the country.  All those moments aren't always on the straight and narrow path but without a few bumps in the road life sure would be boring. Life is about living and enjoying....So it may be a bumpy road, but it's my road...

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